Endnote Web is provided to Kutztown students and faculty as part of our subscription to Web of Science. If you do not have a personal Web of Science account, you need to register an ID and password at Web of Science, and then use that ID and password when you login to Endnote.
You must use this KU library A-Z Database Web of Science link to create a Web of Science account first.
End Note Web is at: https://access.clarivate.com/login?app=endnote
When working with databases EndNote is found under the EXPORT link. Some databases will call it an ".RIS" file.
If you are having problems with Cite While You Write, EndNote provides some online help at:
Cite While You Write Add-in Guide
or you can use the Library Chat to ask a Rohrbach Library librarian.
CSE (Council of Science Editors) is a style used primarily by the Life Sciences. It is sometimes hard to find a citation generator if you have a source you need to put in your paper.
SCRIBBR is a free online citation generator that does CSE here: https://www.scribbr.com/citation/generator/