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Staff Guide to the Rohrbach Library

Guide with information for the Kutztown University Staff & Administration

How can the library help me?

Welcome to the Rohrbach Library!


The library collects books, journals, media, and equipment recommended by your professors to help you do the research that you need for your assignments.

Books and media are arranged on the shelves by SUBJECTS, so all the items about a particular topic are in one place.

Using your KU ID, you can borrow books, equipment, and media, use it, and bring it back. You can borrow up to 50 items at a time.

The library has tens of thousands of reputable online journal subscriptions through the library website. It will help you turn in better assignments and get better grades in much less time than if you just use Google. Ask a librarian to show you how it works.

Most databases will provide you with the citations of the journal articles that you need for your research papers, which is already typed in MLA, APA, or whatever format your professor wants you to use. Our librarians can show you where to find these important citations.

Librarians can help you pick a topic, keywords for your topic searches, recommend databases that will be best for your topic, help you construct citations for your bibliographies, and help you find your materials in the library. You work with the librarians in their offices. The staff at the Information Desk will get the librarian on duty for you.

The Library has over 200 computers, and almost 100 laptops to use while in the building. We have both Microsoft and Apple computers.

The Library provides Study Rooms so you can meet your group, or just find a quiet place to study with no distractions.

Finally, the library has three centers, each with specially focused materials. 

  • The University Archives is a collection of all types of artifacts in KU's history, going back to 1866.
  • The Curriculum Materials Center is a collection of children's books and teaching materials for our education majors
  • Steamworks is a maker space open to all students for creative pursuits both in and outside of your assignments.

New Books, new DVDs, and other additions at the library

Looking for that new best seller, or something new in your favorite subjects? 
START HERE to find print books in the library, or

if you are looking for what is new in our ebook collections CLICK HERE