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Human Library

This guide collects resources and information related to the Rohrbach Library planned Human Library Event scheduled for April 2, 2024

2017 Human Library Books

Here is our catalog of Human Books from our 2017 event:

  • The Humanist: A Modern Renaissance Man.   I am an eclectic collection of thoughts, passions, and interest.  I draw wisdom from life, art and people.  Come ask me my perspective – I’m always open to share!

  • Loss at a Young Age: An Immigration Story.    Moving as a child at young age from Brazil to the United States.   I left everything behind – friends, family, a home, and even some of my identity.   Join my journey to find friends; build a new life; and facing discrimination.

  • Disordered: A Uniquely Disabled Veteran.   Not all disabilities are visible.  Some are within the mind.  Share my struggle as a veteran with mental illness including facing ADA violations, looked at as broken by society, and never quite feeling accepted in any setting.

  • Muslim Woman. My four years in the United States gave me an insight to being a minority. For two years I wore headscarf and then I decide to take it off after I experienced several verbal attacks from people. And the same people's attitude has changed as soon as I removed my headscarf and let my hair down. Even though I am still the same person, seeing how some people treated me differently with and without headscarf was quite shocking for me.

  • High Functioning Autistic. Take an inside look at the experience of a high function Autistic.  From being teased in secondary school to my everyday life as a college student, I will share with you my emotions, feelings of isolation, and depression.   Please find out more about my story and the autism spectrum so you can see me, as I see me.

  • Invisible Intersectionality: Bipolar and Queer. We are all complex, we all have identities.   My identities were molded within the frame work of what most would call invisible identities including a  traumatic childhood, eating disorders, being diagnosed as bipolar at 15, body image issues and coming out as queer.  But I am on a journey of self-love, happiness, and success. Come hear my story.

  • Black Male Expected to Fail Let's be real.  Let's have this hard conversation.   I was born black, but that is not the issue.  The issue is how so many – including family, teachers, and society wanted to use that as an excuse to see me fail.  I’ve faced discrimination and prejudice in the classroom, on the sports field, and even within the context of my mix-raced relationship.  Let's talk about Race in America!

  • Out and Proud Gay Male Raised in rural Pennsylvania, I faced discrimination and oppression because of my sexuality.  Disowned by family and church, stereotyped, and scolded by teachers for not fitting the norm.  But I’ve overcome and turned these adversities in my life into opportunities.  I’d love to meet you and share some of my story!

  • A Little on the Hands: Bullying and Abuse I’m a small and vulnerable book.  But that does not give anyone the right to tear my pages or rip my cover. And I will not allow others to go through the abuse that I did.    Experience my pages and learn how to not accept abusive friends or lovers.

  • Faith-Based Scientist.  I have a Ph.D in Biology and I am an ordained minister.  In the 70 years on this earth, I have come to agree with many of the famous founders of the modern experimental scientific method who were deeply religious and were able to integrate their faith with their excellent science.  I’d love to discuss more with you with gentleness and respect.

  • I'm Not Crazy, I Pinky Swear. – I overcame a two-year drug addiction, while also suffering from DPD or multiple personality disorder.  I am still dealing with DPD today, but I’m living my life even truer to myself and others.  I also identify as transgender, with its own set of life and campus challenges.   I’m open and willing to talk about any of these aspects of my story and life!

  • It Not All Black and White: The Mixed Truth About Prejudice.  - Growing up in a mixed race family and having children with a much fairer skin than mine has brought some interesting social assumptions, prejudices, and discrimination towards me and my family.  Let's talk truth!