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BIOL 104

Library research guide for BIO 104

Setting up Google Scholar to search the KU Databases on your Personal Device.

There are two ways to set up Google Scholar
to search the KU Databases


1.  Using the Library website -- if you are not using your own device

From the library homepage,
  1. Select the navy blue POPULAR DATABASES button.
  3. Now Google Scholar knows that you are a student at KU.

2.  Using the Settings in Google Scholar to change all your Google Scholar searching to include KU --when you are on your own device.

You will need a gmail account for this to work.
  1. Open GOOGLE SCHOLAR:    on your browserGoogle Scholar icon that opens a new tab to Google Scholar Homepage
  2. On that page, select the hamburger icon on the left and then scroll down to the bottom and select SETTINGS.
  3. On the settings page, select LIBRARY LINKS.
  4. On the library links page, type KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY in the search box, then SEARCH. 
  5. Select all four boxes that appear below the search box and SAVE
  6. Now whenever you use GOOGLE SCHOLAR on this device, it will automatically search the KU databases, and add a link in the right column for you.

Google's Advanced Search

Google Icon will open new window to Google homepageAdvanced Search


To help you evaluate the sites you find:

  • info:  for information about a website. Works best with the homepage address.
  • related: search for related sites, use the word "related" followed by a colon:

  • link: Find out where someone referenced this link on the website:

  • v-e-r-y important: there is no space after the colon when using these commands; don't need to put in the "http" or the "www"