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ARH 125: Finding Books & Primary Sources

Library Catalog

Use the library catalog to find print books, ebooks, films, and primary sources.

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Art call numbers in the Rohrbach Library:

  • N Visual arts
  • NA Architecture
  • NB Sculpture
  • NC Drawing. Design. Illustration
  • ND Painting
  • NE Print media
  • NK Decorative arts
  • NX Arts in general
  • TR Photography

Most books are found in the Main Collection.  The books with N call numbers are on the main floor, near the Coffee Shop.  The books with TR call numbers and all oversize books are on the top floor of the library.



Primary Sources

Primary sources present first-hand accounts or direct evidence. They are created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events being documented, and can also include autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories recorded later. In the case of artists, this could include studies, sketches, correspondence, and personal papers. 

Use the library catalog or ebook databases to find autobiographies, memoirs, and other primary sources.  Other useful primary source databases are linked here.