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SPA 325: Assignment

Resources for Professor Rauch's SPA 325 class, Spring 2011


As you are completing the assignment please remember these sources in the Finding Books and Article Databases tabs:

  • For finding books:  use the library catalog or eBrary
  • For finding scholarly journal articles:  JSTOR, Project Muse and MLA Bibliography are your best bets
  • For finding popular magazines: Academic Search Complete and Proquest Research Library are best for this. (These resources also have some scholarly journal articles, fyi.)
  • For newspapers:  Lexis-Nexis is best for newspapers.  Try using the "News" tab on the side of the page.


SPA 325 – Dr. Rauch – Friday April 1 – Assignment


Using your paper topic and the research guide found at complete the following tasks.



1.     Find one scholarly journal article related to your topic and write/type the MLA citation.  After the citation, please provide a few sentences about why the resource is pertinent to your topic.



2.     Find one magazine or newspaper article related to your topic, write/type the MLA citation. After the citation, please provide a few sentences about why the resource is pertinent to your topic.



3.     Find one book (print or e-book) related to your topic, write/type the MLA citation. After the citation, please provide a few sentences about why the resource is pertinent to your topic.




Using the topic immigration (readings from class should help you find keywords to use in your searches) and the research guide found at complete the following tasks.

Some keyword suggestions: immigration, immigration law, immigrants, naturalization, assimilation, emigration & immigration



1.     Find one scholarly journal article related to this topic and write/type the MLA citation.  After the citation, please provide a few sentences about why the resource is pertinent to this particular topic.



2.     Find one newspaper article related to this topic, write/type the MLA citation. After the citation, please provide a few sentences about why the resource is pertinent to this particular topic.



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Krista Prock
Rohrbach Library 103A
