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Model United Nations Research: Finding Articles

Research guide for the KU Model United Nations

Online collections

Rohrbach Library's Articles & Databases portal leads to a vast online library of credible, well-organized information: our largest and most up-to-date collections, by far.

Omnisearch - Search most library databases with the Rohrbach Library's Omnisearch.

Research databases
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Journal and Magazine article databases:

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) - Our largest single database has articles from popular magazines and peer-reviewed academic journals, along with speeches, entire books, and more.

Research Library (ProQuest) - This excellent source for scholarly articles offers a Topics tab that can serve to quickly focus a too-broad research subject.

Newspaper Databases:

Newspaper Collection includes the complete electronic editions of thousands of newspapers from all over the world

Lexis-Nexis Academic- full-text access to newspapers from all over the world, inclusing most major US newspapers