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FYS 100 Bäck

Off Campus Access

You can access most library resources from off-campus. You will be directed to KU's familiar Single Sign On page where you can login with your KU credentials:

Setting Up Helpful Accounts

Setting Up Your InterLibraryLoan Account (Tipasa)

What problem does ILL solve? Rohrbach Library will not have every book or article you need for your research. We can use ILL to borrow items from other libraries.

How long does it take to get things via ILL? Books take anywhere from a couple of days to about a week. Articles can come as quickly as a couple of hours, but also might take a few days. 

Can I get my textbooks through ILL? Sorry, probably not.

Tip: If you set up your account before you need to borrow an item from another library, Tipasa will pull the information you need to request an item into the request form automatically. 

Click this link and set up your ILL account: Tipasa

Other accounts: account setup Account Setup

EBSCO: EBSCO Account Setup