Veterans Journey HomeWarrior Films is bringing “Veterans Journey Home” to life. This five film series tells a different kind of “Hero’s Journey” than the one the public is used to. Not the tales of heroism and valor on the battlefield but the story of Veterans willing to fight the battle of the demons within – to find emotional and psychological peace with the ghosts of past decisions and actions. This hero’s journey requires a different kind of bravery, not facing bullets and IEDs, but facing tears of anguish and loss, facing acceptance of extreme fear, facing rage at betrayal, facing paralyzing self-doubt and shame, facing judgments of self-hatred.The Veterans in our films, different across race, class, and culture – men and women, African Americans and Latinos, gay and straight…flesh out our different storylines. Their differing backgrounds and experiences express the full range of combat soldiery. Challenged by unemployment, rape, child abuse, homelessness, suicidal ideation, drug and alcohol addiction and more, what we witness through them is an emotional hurricane. Though at times terrifying, shocking, and emotionally wrenching, their stories of transformation ultimately prove tremendously uplifting, filled with humor and spirit, buoyed all the more by the expansive hearts of the men and women who serve them.22 women Veterans transform through a 4 month meditation/mindfulness based healing retreat.