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For Students in online courses

Distance Education, Blended Courses, Online Learning at KU

Welcome!  We're pleased to offer you the services of the Rohrbach Library, no matter where you are

Quick Tip: Use the Omnisearch tab above, or in D2L, to search most of the journal articles and reference databases at once—a great timesaver!

All the info on D2L, the web platform for your classes, is right here in video and print tutorials

INTERLIBRARY LOAN is an amazing service!

Tipasa is the library's interface for borrowing books and articles from other libraries. Tipasa uses the global WorldCat database to find what libraries have the titles you need for your research.

When you use Tipasa for the first time, you will need to set up your account. Once done, you will be able to track the articles you have requested, what books you have borrowed, and the dates the books are due back.

Click here to go to Tipasa:

Interlibrary Loan cannot be used for textbooks. Sorry!  

Distance Ed Librarian, at your service

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Dan Stafford
Rohrbach Library 100A
(610) 683-4482