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ENGL 224 - American Modernism - Dr. Fillman

This guide accompanies Dr. Fillman's ENGL 224 class on American Modernism

Library Databases for Literature and the Humanities

These are the top research databases for Literature:

  1. The database includes articles, images, and ebooks.  The ebooks are divided up into individual chapters to make it easier for specific topics.
  2. You might want to use the Advanced Search. The link is in the center of the screen, right above the image on the landing page.
  3. You can sign-up for an account at JSTOR to save you work in a folder on the JSTOR website.  The link to register is at the very top of the JSTOR homepage window in the right corner.  When you use the SAVE function for an article, it will be stored there, in our account.  You keep your account until you graduate.
  1. This is the library largest database devoted just to authors and literature. 
  2. The page is called Gale Literature because the Literature Resource Center, Literary Criticism, and Biography In Context databases were recently merged into Gale Literature.
  3. All the resources in Gale Literature have been vetted for you, so you do not need to do the extra step of verifying the reliability of these sources.
  4. Most of the resources are in full text, so you do not need to use Interlibrary Loan.
  1. This is the premier source for scholarly literary criticism.
  2. It is built on the EBSCO interface, so you have probably navigated the interface before with databases like Academic Search Ultimate.
  3. In MLA Bibliography, there are no articles in the database.
    1. The library has software that will check to see if the article is in another KU database and will open it for you -- this is the Check for Full Text Link.
    2. If the library does not have a license for the article you need, you can use Interlibrary Loan and have the article in a day or two.

For all the Literature Databases, you can go through this link:

Researching Topics in American Modernism

There is so much information both at the library and online on the American Modernism authors, the problem you may run into is that you find too much information, especially if you are using a public search engine like Google Scholar or an AI platform.

The library databases for Literature will provide you with scholarly, reliable, truthful information with more focused searches.  It should save you a lot of time gathering information and leave you more time to reflect and write.

Sue Czerny

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Sue Czerny
RL 203-A