Finals Week Hours
Note: The Citation Tool in EBSCO is Incorrect. APA citation format for a test review from the electronic version of the MMY:
The citation for your 'works cited' page for reviews in MMY should follow this format:
Last name, first initial of review author. (Year of MMY edition). Test review of the name of the test being reviewed. In Name(s) of MMY editors (Eds.), The edition mental measurements yearbook [electronic version]. Retrieved from the Burros Institute's Mental Measurements Yearbook online database.
Example of a citation to a test review, with correct punctuation and APA formatting (except for the indenting and double spacing):
Sandoval, J. (2003). Test review of the Woodcock-Johnson III. In B. S. Plake, J. C. Impara, & R. A. Spies (Eds.), The fifteenth mental measurements yearbook [electronic version]. Retrieved from the Burros Institute's Mental Measurements Yearbook online database.
Source: Cite the MMy-TIP Libguide, Bloomsburg University Library