Finding Opinion Pieces in online newspapers and magazines
Start at the Library Home page --> under COLLECTIONS on left -->select POPULAR DATABASES
Newspaper & Journal Articles:
- Newsbank (Newspaper Database)
- Newspapers from around the world, including you local newspaper. Watch for the date range that is included.
- Full-text - the articles are all in the database.
- From the NEWSBANK homepage, under the Search Box, use MORE SEARCH OPTIONS.
- Add a line that includes keywords for the type of article, such as OPINION, or EDITORIAL.
- Academic Search Ultimate (ASU) from EBSCO.
- Scroll down on the landing page. Under DOCUMENT TYPE, Select an option that fits, like Opinion, or Editorial, or letters to the Editors
- In the second column, under PUBLICATION TYPE, select Periodical or Newspaper. A Periodical is a Magazine.
- To select more that one option in ASU, hold down the CTRL (Windows) or COMMAND (Mac) key while you select.
- Do your search, and then on the page with Search Results, you can narrow by date, source type, and region or individual newspaper.
- Proquest Research Library has magazines, newspapers, and materials on all subjects. The information goes from everyday knowledge to highly complex research journals.
- From the landing page, which is the Advanced Search page, type in your search
- Scroll down, and limit your search by Date.
- In the SOURCE TYPE box, check off Magazines and Newspaper.
- Under DOCUMENT TYPE, Proquest uses the term COMMENTARY instead of OPINION, and there are also Letters to the Editors, Editorials, and Editorial Cartoons!
- You can further modify your seach on the Results List page.