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Predatory Journals and Publishers in the Era of Open Access Resources

This guide organizes resources related to the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching events on predatory journals and publishing


Arthur, Craig. "Predatory Publishing: How Not To Fall Prey," Virginia Libraries 61 (2015): 33-36.

Beall, Jeffrey. "Predatory Publishers are Corrupting Open Access,"   Nature 489 (13 September 2012):179.

Crawford, Walt. "Open-Access Journals: Idealism and Opportunism," Library Technology Reports 51, no.6 (August/September 2015).

Nelson, Nerissa, and Jennifer Huffman. "Predatory Journals in Library Databases: How Much Should We Worry?" The Serials    Librarian 62, no.2 (2015): 169-192.

Suber, Peter.  Open Access. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.