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PSY 379: Searching for archival materials and primary sources

Searching for Primary Sources using the Web

Using the Web for finding primary sources. The free web is one of the richest sources of primary source material but it requires the user to carefully evaluate what they find.

Google - some tips

  • Type in your topic include the words “primary source”. Example: “sigmund freud” “primary sources”. Also try limiting your results to .edu, .org, OR .gov web sites. 
  • Search on famous psychologist or movement and add archives: leon festinger archives
  • Do a google image search on a famous psychologist and add the term letters: bf skinner letters 

Some Recommended Web Sites

Using the Rohrbach Library Catalog

When searching in the Library Catalog do an Boolean search and add the word “sources” to your search. Example:
sigmund freud and sources

Other keywords to try: sources, diaries, personal narratives, interviews, letters

Using WorldCat - the World's Library Catalog is like the of the library world. It includes the holdings of over 17,000 libraries all over the world. It is the best place to go to find hard to find books and archival materials. 

Using Library Databases

Using Library Databases

Library databases include subscription content that is not freely available on the web.

Some Recommended Databases