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COMP 200 - Kilker: Citing in MLA format

Guide to acompany Dr. Kilker's COMP 200 classes

MLA on the Web

Purdue University

  1. The official online site for MLA is the OWL program from Purdue University.Click here to go directly to the MLA page.
  2. Use the frame on the left to find how to cite different formats in your bibliography, and how to cite sources within your analysis.
  3. For an annotated bibliography, use the WORKS CITED formats.
  4. When  looking for non-print sources, like TV shows, interviews, or films, pick MLA Formatting: Other Common Sources from the Menu.

Use the HELP in Microsoft Word and type in MLA Format to see a list of guides and web pages that can help. Make sure you are using the 2009, seventh edition of MLA and your version of MS Office.

There are also a number of tutorials on YouTube.

Citing articles in MLA

The source for this information is the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University.  The easiest way to get there is to Google: Purdue Owl MLA.


 MLA format for Magazine Articles:

Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of Article: Subtitle." Title of Periodical or Magazine  Day Month Year: pages. Medium of Publication.

Here's an example:

Slouka, Mark. "Dehumanized: When Math and Science Rule the School." Harper's Magazine Sep. 2009: 38-40. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.


MLA format in EBSCO databases

Citing in EBSCO

Citation Information in EBSCO appears in two places:


1) on the screen that displays a single article, use the cite button

2) on the SAVE or EMAIL screen, select MLA, then SAVE or SEND.  The article's citation will appear in MLA format when you retrieve it.








MLA format in Research Library (Proquest Database)

Citation Information in Proquest Research Library appears in two places:


1) on the screen that displays a single article, use the CITE button

2) on the EMAIL screen, select MLA, then SEND.  The article's citation will appear in MLA format when you retrieve it.