If you have any questions about ordering books or other materials for the library, you can contact the Librarian Liaison for your department.
You may request books, DVDs, ebooks, online databases -- any type of instructional material for the library collection.
Purchasing for the library is part of the library liaison program, to learn more contact your librarian.
The library sets aside a certain amount of its budget for faculty requests in each academic department. Please check with your department chairperson or your department's library liaison for the submission procedure used by your department.
The deadline for ordering is generally around April 15 every year.
When requesting a title, please let us know if you:
Want the item in the Reserve Collection, or in the eReserve online collection.,
Need the title by a certain date,
Would like us to place a HOLD on the material for you, so you can be the first to borrow it when it comes in.
You can make a purchase recommendation using this form.