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Undergraduate Guide to the Rohrbach Library: Writing Center & Student Success Center

Undergrad guide to the Library's Public Services.

Student Success Center

Student Success Center

offers help with study skills, note-taking, time management, and other academic life skills.  The office is on the Ground Floor in RL 26. Come make an appointment with one of the professional Coordinators for Student Success.

Click here to go to the Student Success Cemter website.

Department of Academic Enrichment

The Department of Academic Enrichment offers advising services for athletes, transfer students, and students who are still exploring majors. Their offices are in RL 30.

Writing Center

The Writing Center is where "student writers connect with their writing."  You can get help with everything from choosing a topic to typing up your bibliography.  The staff will even read a rough draft and make suggestions for your paper. Check the website, or stop by Room 100-C on the first floor to make an appointment

Tutoring Services

The Tutoring Center is also on the ground floor of the library in RL 30.  Visit the Tutoring Center if you are looking for help with one of your courses. They will find a tutor for you and work out a schedule so you can get help with your courses.

During the COVID pandemic, please check the Tutoring Services website to arrange for a tutoring session: