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Undergraduate Guide to the Rohrbach Library: Using Information Responsibly

Undergrad guide to the Library's Public Services.

KU Academic Honesty Policy for Undergraduates

Kutztown University believes strongly in academic honesty. Here is a link to the policy defining it, and if students are being dishonest about their work, then they will face major consequences. 

KU Academic Honesty Policy for Graduate Students

The Academic Honesty Policy for Graduate Students addresses issues found in research at the highest levels.


Open Access

Coming soon...

Creative Commons Licenses

Coming Soon...

Showing Movies on Campus

Showing a legal copy of a movie in a face-to-face classroom for instruction is allowed, as long as it is shown only to students registered for the class and in a classroom setting (not a dorm, not the Student Center)

Showing movies in a non-classroom setting require purchasing public performance rights for that movie.  Currently, those rights can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,000.  You need public rights even if you are not charging admission. 

If you have questions about showing films, please contact Bob Flatley, the Electronic Resources Librarian for help and clarification.