Information on Companies
Basic Directory & Statistical Information about businesses and industries:
Mergent Online contains information for 15,000 U.S. public companies (active and inactive) listed on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ exchanges and 20,000 non-U.S. companies. The database also includes an annual report collection for more than 40, 000 U.S. companies. Industry reports available here.
Marketline (formerly Datamonitor) Company Profiles provide a wealth of information, including a company overview, business description, key employees, company history, products & services analysis, SWOT analysis, current news, etc.
Information and Opinions in Journal Articles, Business Magazines, and Newspapers
- Business Source Complete is KU's largest full-text business database has thousands of scholarly journal artiles, peer-reviewed journals, trade publications and newspaper articles.
- Newsbank is a great source for information on local businesses as it has articles from over 2,000 local U. S. newspapers like the Reading Eagle or the Morning Call. A source to use for local business news, openings, and activities. This database includes articles written by journalists. It does not include things like classified advertisements, obituaries, regular advertisements and letters to the editors.
Other Business Databases can be found on the A-Z Database page, under the "All Subjects" drop down menu, or at: