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History Department - Research and Teaching Support: Set up your ORCID identifier

Library services and support for History Faculty

What is ORCID?

ORCID provides a permanent digital identifier that is unique to you. With this identifier, you can distinguish yourself from other researchers.

The ORCID initiative is open, non-profit, and community driven. It is also backed by large publishers such as Thomson Reuters and Elsevier, which means that the ORCID identifier can be connected with commercial products like ResearcherID and Scopus.


Why Should I Use ORCID?

With the explosion in of research being done in thousands of institutions across the world, many researchers face the challenge of distinguishing their work from others with similar names.

The ORCID identifier is intended to solve this problem by providing a unique identifier for every researcher. Apart from being used for author disambiguation, it is increasingly being used in research workflows such as manuscript and grant submissions. This saves you from having to enter the same data over and over again when submitting your work.

Individuals can sign up for an ORCID Identifier free of charge at the ORCID website.