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History Department - Research and Teaching Support: Student Support

Library services and support for History Faculty

Information Literacy

The American Library Association Defines Information Literacy as:

Information Literacy is the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information.

Introduction to Information Literacy

Library Instruction

Want your students to learn about how to do good research in the "era of Google"? 

Consider scheduling an information literacy session with a librarian.  We can cover:

  • Developing a research question
  • How to find appropriate sources both online and in print
  • The difference between popular and peer-reviewed sources
  • How do property cite sources to avoid plagiarism
  • How to develop a proper bibliography
  • Web site evaluation
  • The difference between web sites and online library resources

Research-Based Assignment

Have a research-based assignment?

Collaboration. I will be happy to collaborate with you on creating research-based assignments that meet your learning objectives.

Ensure Student Success. One way to help your students successfully complete assignments is to inform the library in advance of any assignments that may involve librarians helping students.  Knowing the objectives of research-based assignments and the expected learning outcomes helps us answer student questions more successfully. 

Contact the Library. To have your assignment reviewed by a librarian or to collaborate on designing an assignment, please contact me at or 610-683-4168.

Course Guides

Online class guides can be created for any class that will require students to use library services, resources, or tools. Class guides can be a wonderful way to integrate library resources into a distance learning course or to provide easy access to links discussed in a face-to-face class.

Benefits include:

  •     Targeted resources including databases, journal lists, reference books, and quality web links.
  •     Easy to add to your course management system.
  •     Librarian contact information for students who need further assistance.

Additional availability might include written or visual tutorials for using specific information resources or copies of library assignments. Contact me if you would like to create one for your class.