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CDE 141 Illustrations in Children's Literature: Welcome

To accompany the CDE 141 class

Finding Children's Literature by artistic style

Welcome students! We hope this LibGuide helps to spark ideas for your project! Use the tabs above to explore different artistic styles and examples of each style.

Online: To see more online illustrations from the books mentioned in this LibGuide or other books you know about, you can try several things such as: Look up the book on Amazon and use the "look inside" feature; look for videos of librarians and teachers reading the book; and look for publisher and author/illustrator websites. 

In Print: We give you a few examples here on this LibGuide, but there are SO many more books that will give you inspiration in the Library Science Collection at the Rohrbach Library (ground floor) or at your local public library. If you need our help locating more examples, please ask! 

Rohrbach Library's online catalog: You can search for your desired style in the online catalog. If the style is a part of the book's record orCLCD search limit criteria description, it will appear in your result's list.

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database: You can search this children's literature database to find books with certain elements or illustration styles. You can limit your results to books we own at the Rohrbach Library in the upper right corner of the page. Use the keyword box at the top to search for a certain illustration type or feature that might be mentioned in the book reviews ("pop-up" or "flaps" or "collage" or "cut paper"). Once you search for your term, look in the left column under "criteria" to limit your search to a specific field -- the reviews -- by choosing reviews from the drop-down options. (See image to the right.)

NOTE: Images contained in this LibGuide are subject to copyright rules. We have done our best to provide you with snippets of these books online because we cannot provide an in-person book tasting for your class this semester due to COVID. 

Our contact information is along the right side of the pages. Again, feel free to ask us for help! 

Education LIbrarian

Profile Photo
Karen Wanamaker
Rohrbach Library Curriculum Materials Center--Room 21

Subject Guide / Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Karen Wanamaker
Rohrbach Library Curriculum Materials Center--Room 21