The Purdue OWL is the authorized online source for both the MLA and APA format. The Purdue OWL does NOT generate citations, but it tells you what elements, punctuation and appearance each piece of the citation should have, and gives you examples.
- Begin on the Works Cited Page, Basic Format
- In the menu on the left, the format for webpages and other internet sources is under Electronic Resources
- When building citations for online articles, add the DOI (if available, precede it with ""), otherwise a URL (without the https://) or the permalink.
- Date you accessed the material (Date Accessed), can go at the end of the citation, but are not required. While not required, saving this information it is highly recommended, especially when dealing with pages that change frequently or do not have a visible copyright date.
- In the menu on the left, the format for
- When making citations for Articles, either print or electronic, use the DOI if there is one available. For older articles and ones without a DOI, use the Permalink/URL.