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CMP 100 - Pytleski: Resources

Guide to accompany Dr. Pytleski's CMP 100 assignment on researching films and film reviews.

Researching Films & Film Reviews - where to start

Often referred to as the EBSCO database, (EBSCO is the name of the distributor), this database is a good source for information about a film, or film reviews.  Actual films are not here.

Like Academic Search Ultimate, a full-text, multidisciplinary database with articles from major journals, magazines, and newspapers on all subjects.

Finding film reviews in PROQUEST

When you open PROQUEST


Put your keywords in the box(es) at the top

Scroll down to DOCUMENT TYPES


Submit your search

Finding film reviews in EBSCO

How to find film reviews in EBSCO databases 

Using Academic Search Ultimate as an example

  1. Go to Academic Search Ultimate
  2. On the landing page put in your keywords for your search
  3. Scroll down the screen to DOCUMENT TYPES
  4. Select FILM REVIEW
    1. If you want to select more than one document type, hold down the CRTL button (in Windows) or the COMMAND button (in MacOS) while you select the different types.
  5. Now do your search