Finals Week Hours
Swank Digital Campus - good usage, funding renewed, new films have been added for the Fall term.
New Sage Titles - see new content on right
JSTOR Arts and Sciences XIV - last A&S collection, 140 new titles added to JSTOR
GVRL Flex Program - adds over 2,300 titles to our 345 owned titles. EBA program. Have $5K to spend by March 31. Flex records not in catalog.
Scopus - in the process of signing for a 3-year deal starting Oct 2016, Elsevier providing us trial access for Sept., on-campus access only.
PALCI eBook Program 2016-17
Britannica's Original Sources - 420K primary sources.
EBSCO Personal User Authentication - allows students to just Google “EBSCOhost Login”, click on the link and login without going through the library’s authentication process.
BrowZine Enhancements - now searching all library ejournal content; added SCImago impact factor. See email from WALDO.
Choice Upgrade - new interface again!
Learning Express Library (EBSCO)
Islamic Studies Center (Oxford)
Something About the Author (Gale)
E-Journal Searching - any questions?
Charles Sturt University Library (Australia) - a Primo site with FB integration.