APA PsycTherapy® is a continually expanding resource offering streaming psychotherapy videos that provide a gateway for students, educators, and practitioners to witness first-hand, proven approaches and common obstacles faced during therapy sessions. As a dynamic teaching and learning tool, APA PsycTherapy provides a rich assortment of filmed interactions between known therapists and individuals, couples, and families. Featuring renowned therapists and professors, the videos in this database cover cognitive therapy approaches to more than 250 topics, including life satisfaction, self-perception and cognitive distortions. The content of APA PsycTherapy is wholly unique to this APA database.
Spanning education globally, articles are authoritative, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated entries written by experts from many different methodological and theoretical approaches.
Statista consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources. The reports, charts, infographics, and statistics found in the database can be downloaded in Excel, PDF, PNG, or PowerPoint formats or embedded in web pages.
APS Journals - decided not to renew due to low usage.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice - not renewed due to low usage.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology - not renewed due to low usage.