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Policies: Courtesy Patrons (Library users not affiliated with KU)

Courtesy Patrons

Circulation and Computer Use Policy for Courtesy Patrons

  • Policy Statement: The library provides limited borrowing privileges and limited Windows computer access to adult residents of Pennsylvania who are not Kutztown University students or employees.


  • Courtesy patrons must be registered at the library and present their library card when borrowing materials.
  • In order to register, a person must be an adult (18 years of age or older) and present one form of photo identification (driver’s license, ID card, etc.) and proof of address.
  • High school students:
    • High school students can receive a courtesy card for borrowing books only. They must fill out the High School Student Registration form, and return it with a parent’s or guardian’s signature.
    • High school students cannot receive a Windows password. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (17 USC 1701-1741) requires Internet filter programs be installed on public access computers used by minor-age children to protect them from “adult” content. KU does not have internet filters.
  • Loan period: 28 days. Curriculum Materials kits and textbooks circulate for 1 week. 
  • Audiovisual materials: Courtesy Patrons are not allowed to borrow equipment or media items.
  • Renewals: None.
  • Holds & recalls: None.
  • Maximum number of books at one time: 25.
  • Overdue fines: Ten cents per day per item up to a maximum of $10.00. Overdue fines are waived if a patron pays to replace an item or provides a new copy of a lost item.
  • Fees for lost or damaged items: Standard fee for type of item borrowed. Borrowing privileges suspended indefinitely when the patron owes lost item fees.
  • Fees for printing: Ten cents per page.
  • Paying Fines and Fees: Rohrbach Library is unable to accept cash. To pay for overdue fines or fees, Courtesy Patrons must purchase a Paw Pass (a re-loadable debit card) in the KUCard office at the Academic Forum and present the Paw Pass at the Main Desk. Hours and contact information for the KUCard office are at
  • Interlibrary loan: Courtesy patrons are not eligible for interlibrary loan. Refer courtesy patrons who need to use interlibrary loan to their local public library for assistance.
  • Computer Use:
    • A generic username/password can be obtained from the Information Desk.
    • Courtesy patrons are restricted to using only the computers specifically designated for Courtesy Patrons on the first floor.
    • Printing from the Courtesy Patron computers will be directed to the staff printer in RL100.Patrons will need to see a permanent staff member at the Information Desk to claim and pay for their print jobs.
    • Courtesy patrons will be charged 10 cents for each usable page.