Guidelines and procedures for distributing posters and other promotional material in the library.
The following procedures should be followed for hanging or distributing posters/signs/other promotional material in Rohrbach Library:
- All posters/signs to be hung in the library should be delivered to the library director’s office in RL 201 for approval. The director’s office is responsible for hanging the items on bulletin boards located on both the first and second floors of the library.
- No posters/signs/promotional material may be hung on the walls of the library. Only the designated bulletin boards will be used for displaying posters, etc.
- All items that are hung in the library must be KU related. Examples of the types of items that will not be hung include advertisements for events being held off campus and not endorsed by a university organization and advertisements for off campus housing.
- Recognized student organizations or university departments are allowed one posting per event, per bulletin board, per side in the library.
- Postings may be displayed for no longer than four continuous weeks.
- Organizations who do not submit posting to the director’s office for approval will have their literature removed from the bulletin boards.
- The distribution of promotional material in any manner other than posting on the bulletin boards is prohibited. This includes flyers, table tents, and similar forms of advertisement.
- This policy is in accordance with Kutztown University’s Posting and Chalking Policy STU-018. Please refer to the University’s website for policy details.
Date: December 2018, Revised December 2020