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Policies: Emeriti Professors & Visiting Scholars

Lending: Visiting and Emeriti Professors

  • Policy Statement: The library provides borrowing privileges to Visiting Professors and Emeriti Professors.
  • Rationale: Visiting professors and Emeriti need borrowing privileges to both continue their research and for leisure reading activities.
  • Background: Visiting professors are professors from another University who are visiting and teaching at Kutztown University for a short period of time. Emeritus status is granted to Kutztown University professors by the University President upon the professor’s retirement. The professor must have served the University for at least 10 years.
  • Regulations:
    • Visiting professors and emeriti often need to be added into the database as new patrons.
    • An ID is required to borrow materials.
    • Visiting professors and emeriti are responsible for returning items in the same condition in which they were borrowed. If an item is damaged, they will be asked to replace the item or pay the appropriate fee.
    • Loan Period: 180 days for Main Collection books with one 180-day renewal period. Leisure Reading books circulate for 28 days with one 28-day renewal. Media and Curriculum Materials Center textbooks and kits circulate for one week with one 1-week renewal. Equipment such as laptops, cameras, tripods, calculators: 7 days with no renewals.
    • Holds & Recalls: There is a 'Request' link for each item in the catalog. You will have to sign in with your KU credentials to place a hold. If an item is recalled, you will receive a notice from the library.
    • Maximum number of items: 50
    • Overdue Fines: None.
    • Fees for lost or damaged items: A standard fee is charged for the type of item borrowed. Borrowing privileges suspended when the patron owes fees for a lost item. Items that have been declared "Lost" in the circulation system need to be returned to the library.