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Cinema, TV, & Media Production Department - Research and Teaching Support: Databases

Key Media Studies Databases

A note about EBSCO

Sending a search through multiple focused databases

EBSCO is not a database. EBSCO is the brand name of a company that supplies dozens of our library's databases. 

The advantage to knowing this: you can hand-pick particular EBSCO databases to search simultaneously 

Three of those linked from this page—Religion & Philosophy Collection, GreenFILE, and Philosopher's Index—are EBSCO databases. 

Hence you can, if you want, save time by sending the same search through two of these databases, or all three, at the same time. To select databases for such a simultaneous search, hit the Choose Databases link above the searchboxes.

Database Trials

Databases are big-ticket items, so vendors frequently offer clients the equivalent of a 'test drive.' 

Database trials typically give free access to students and faculty for several weeks. Ideally such a trial coincides with student research projects designed to exploit the resource, thus enabling departments to decide whether particular databases would be worthwhile additions.

If you know of online resources that you would like to try, please tell Len Barish, Helen Bieber or me so the library can look into making optimal arrangements.

Multidisciplinary Databases

EBSCO facilitates saving your research and generating bibliographies with a free MyEBSCO Account. The Omnisearch appliance looks through nearly all our library's online and physical holdings.