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Cinema, TV, & Media Production Department - Research and Teaching Support: D2L Embedded Librarian

D2L Embedded Librarian

What’s an Embedded Librarian?

An embedded librarian is a librarian who is integrated into an online class—with a restricted role, defined by you—for a defined period of time to support students in their research process.

Why do I need an Embedded Librarian?

The reasons for choosing an online class are varied.  The most common is that the student is not able to visit the physical campus, and the library, hence limiting one's exposure to library resources and services.

What can the embedded librarian do for your class?

  •     provide information about the library's databases, e-books and services
  •     help students find credible web sources
  •     assist with citations
  •     help narrow topics and brainstorm ideas for research
  •     identify keywords and search terms for a topic
  •     answer questions about the library or about research

Types of Embedded Librarian

Semester-Long Class Librarian

If you are teaching a writing- and research-intensive course that requires extensive use of library resources, consider requesting this type of embedded librarian. For this type of class the librarian maintains a library discussion board.

Guest Class Librarian

If you have just one or two research projects, consider requesting a librarian for a particular week or time period within the semester. The librarian will assist your students with the specific project during the week(s) of this assignment. The librarian can maintain a library discussion board if you wish.

How to Request an Embedded Librarian

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