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Cinema, TV, & Media Production Department - Research and Teaching Support: Digital Humanities

Technology in Pedagogy & Research


Visualization of all close-ups of faces from Vertov’s The Eleventh Year by Lev Manovich, in 'Visualizing Vertov.'
All facial close-ups in Dziga Vertov's 1928 film The Eleventh Year, a visualization created by Lev Manovich in "Visualizing Vertov"


Your library has long been committed to building and maintaining tech tools to advance scholarship and teaching. Certainly the discipline of Electronic Media Studies has, by its very nature, continuously responded to technological advances while at the same time making groundbreaking contributions to the field's rich panoply of digital humanities initiatives. 

In my capacity as Emerging Technologies Librarian I'm eager to work with you on projects that use any form of digital deus ex machina to disseminate knowledge, ignite learners' curiosity, and boost engagement.

STEAMworks, in Room 18 of the library's Ground Floor is a new type of library lab, a space for many kinds of creative acts including digiital production and teaching. Its form is shaped by what we hear from people like you, so I sincerely hope you'll consider bringing your classes or even participating as an advisor