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Mapped Boxes for SGC: Interlibrary Loan

Sue Czerny's collection of boxes that are mapped into multiple LibGuides for Kutztown website and classroom libguides

Interlibrary Loan Services

Interlibrary Loan Service

Quick Links: My ILL account | ILL Tools | WorldCat | Article Request

Welcome to Kutztown University Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service.
ILL is available to current KU students, faculty, staff, and administrat
 ILL requests are managed in our web-based application, Tipasa.

Loan Terms

Interlibrary Loan items (books, DVDs, videos, etc.) are usually checked out for 28 days. The lending library may set a longer loan period and may allow or disallow renewals at their discretion. You may request a renewal of an ILL item before the item's due date. After the due date, items may not be renewed. For assistance, please contact Interlibrary Loan at 610-683-4158 or

Requesting Articles

The easiest way to place your article request is to do so directly from within the searched database. Look for the "Check for Full Text" link near the article you need; if the Full Text search lists no online access, you can click the "Request via Interlibrary Loan" link near the bottom of the page and have the article data imported into Tipasa

If you have a citation in hand, please check to see if the library has access to your article before requesting it via ILL. If you need assistance, please contact the ILL office.

Check the e-journal search site

  1. Search for the journal title (not the article's title)
  2. Verify the year of your citation is within the date ranges indicated
  3. If an "Article" link is present, this should go directly to the article
  4. If a "Journal" link is present, this will allow online browsing of available issues
  5. If a "Database" link is present, use this to search the database which should have access to the article.

Request using the Article Form in Tipasa - the article will be sent to you electronically.

Requesting Books and Other Items

When the library does not own an item, we provide easy ways to request it. WorldCat searches across library collections worldwide and requests items via Tipasa. Tipasa asks libraries that owns the item to loan it to us for your use. The turnaround time for books and other loanable items is from 3-7 business days. Items which are more difficult to find or are in high demand may take longer.

Please note:  Interlibrary Loan will not request the following types of materials:

  • Textbooks. ILL seeks a list of textbooks from publishers and compares them to the requested item to this list. Before ordering textbooks, we find information through Amazon's item description to assist in the identification of textbooks before ordering. If you are having trouble obtaining your textbooks, you may also consult with your professor regarding Open Educational Resources (OER) for use in class. 
  • eBooks or streaming audio/video (all e-media is currently ineligible for Interlibrary Loan). If you would like to request the purchase of an e-book from the library's collection, you can make a request here.
  • Material already owned by the Kutztown University library
  • Multiple copies of a title or article
  • Items not yet published.
  • Kindles, e-Readers, and other tablet devices. If you need to use a Kindle, they are made available to be loaned from the Rohrbach Library's Circulation Department. Click here to suggest Kindle titles for library purchase.
  • Items in older formats. The library does not own the technology required to view or utilize film or audio reels. If you have access to the available technology elsewhere, please add this information to your request and we will review it.
  • Psychological testing tools. These materials are unavailable through Interlibrary Loan, as the distribution of psychological assessment tools are restricted to properly qualified persons. Test forms/booklets, answer sheets, and the scoring key can only be purchased through the publisher. Contact your professor about access to a copy of the testing materials required for your class or research.
  • Legal materials and research materials pertaining to the law as it is practiced and interpreted have a high rate of non-return and are extremely expensive to replace. For this reason, we can no longer request legal/law materials through Interlibrary Loan.
  1. Double-check the catalog to confirm whether or not the KU Library owns the item.
  2. Check WorldCat - this service covers many library collections worldwide. When you locate an item you want, just click "Interlibrary Loan." If there are only a few copies of a book listed in WorldCat, it is unlikely that we will be able to obtain that item.
  3. For books and other materials not available using the services listed above, please request through Tipasa.


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United State Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyright materials. Under certain conditions specified in the law, library and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified condition is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.

Interlibrary Loan Service/Document Delivery Tools

WorldCat Search - Search for books

Search for an item in libraries near you: >>

Tipasa - Request books, articles and other materials

Log on with your KU email address and password to request and track interlibrary loan items.


Interlibrary Loan Guidelines

Contact Info


Phone: 610-683-4158

Hours: M - F: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Staff: Karen Colburn, Interlibrary Loan & Periodicals, 610-683-4158,

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