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Mapped Boxes for SGC: Putting your research online

Sue Czerny's collection of boxes that are mapped into multiple LibGuides for Kutztown website and classroom libguides

Welcome to the Kutztown University Research Commons

The Kutztown University Research Commons (KURC) is an open-access resource for showcasing Kutztown University's faculty and student research to the world.  

Student Research

There is a place for student research on the KURC:

  1. Dissertations
  2. Theses
  3. Independent Studies
  4. Class projects & research
  5. Exhibitions
  6. Portfolios
  7. Video and audio productions
  8. Honors projects
  9. Capstone projects
  10. Conference presentations

All student research must be sponsored by a member of the faculty who is supervising or instructing the project.

All student research is clearly labeled so that it won't be confused as faculty work.

Students also get a permanent link and a permanent place for their work.



Library Books