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Czerny Mapped Boxes: Technology & Equipment in the Library

Sue Czerny's collection of boxes that are mapped into multiple LibGuides for Kutztown website and classroom libguides

Equipment that can be borrowed at Information Desk

Equipment is loaned on a first-come-first-served basis.  The library does not take reservations on equipment.

Laptops / iPads available for checkout – 7-day loan period, no renewals

43 Lenovo Laptops

50 Mac Laptops

13 iPads

Equipment available for checkout – 7-day loan period, no renewals

14 Canon Eos Rebel DSLR cameras

11 Sony camcorders

2 GoPro cameras

7 Eiki Data Projectors

4 voice recorders

11 TI-84 graphing calculators

2 DVD external drives

Various tripods

Equipment available for checkout – library use only

5 Lenovo Laptops

5 Mac Laptops


Phone chargers

Dry erase sets

Various adapters

Kindles available for checkout – 28-day loan

6 Kindle fire tablets

Software on the Computers in the Library

There are computer labs and printers on all three floors of the library both Mac and Windows platforms. Information Technology provides a list of the software in those labs.  Click or tap HERE for the current list.

Printing and Scanning at the Library

Printers:  Each registered student is automatically given 300 sheets of paper of free printing per semester.  After the 300 sheets are used, extensions at the rate of 100 sheets are granted through an online form. There are printers in each of the computer lab areas. The printers default to two-sided printing. If you need single-sided printing or have any other printer issues, stop by or call the Library  (610-683-4480). 

Scanners:  Scanners are available in the Library.  On the Ground Floor there is a scanner in the Curriculum Materials Center.  On the First Floor in the area next to the Computer Lab there are two scanners. 

Scanning is free. Images can be saved to a portable storage device or emailed. 

If you need help, ask at the Information Desk.