Finals Week Hours
Most education majors will be required to use APA citations, references, and style in their assignments. This style comes from the American Psychological Association (APA), and it includes rules for formatting your writing for publications and research papers. This style is also used at KU in citing resources in your lesson plans.
The most-used cite for locating information about your APA formats is the Purdue OWL website:
The Rohrbach Library has a copy of the most recent APA publication manual that students can use in the building. APA does not offer an license model for us to provide an ebook version to you, but if you choose to purchase an electronic version, you can find them at: Vital Source ( and RedShelf (
Other resources that may help you include:
Collect information about your sources as you use them. The library's article databases will supply what you need for your citations, and many of the databases have features for formatting and saving citations as well.
Citing your sources is an essential part of your work as a member of a scholarly community. Whenever you're unsure about the protocol and can't find a satisfactory answer on your own, ask a librarian!