Books useful for art and art education majors are found in the Main Collection, the CMC, and the Library Science Collection. Some of these books will be more for research or inspiration (Main Collection), some will be focused on teaching art (CMC), and some will be children's literature that can be shared/used by your students (CMC or Library Science).
Books in the CMC and Main collections are classified in the Library of Congress Classification Scheme. All call numbers in the CMC will start with "Curric" to indicate that it is an item in the CMC followed by one or two letters then numbers.
“N” is the main classification for art materials in the Library of Congress system. You may also find helpful ideas in the TT classification which is for "handicrafts" (arts and crafts). Use the online catalog to look up your particular topic (teaching art, crafts, pottery, particular artists or styles, etc.).
Davis Publications books are very helpful to art education majors. We have some of these as print books and some as digital books. To see a full list of the books in this series, search the online catalog for "Art Education in Practice Series".