Kutztown University Sesquicentennial (150th) Anniversary

This LibGuide contains information on the presidents of Kutztown University, the buildings, and other fun facts in celebration of the sesquicentennial in 2016.

Academic Forum

The Academic Forum has seven classrooms with modern audiovisual technology. The downstairs floor also houses a food court and seating areas. Mail Services and the KU Card office are situated here.

Beekey Education Center

Beekey Education Building was built in memory of Dr. Cyrus Beekey, who was president of Kutztown State College from 1967 to 1969. It was built at a cost of $1,321,000 and its architects were Frederick R. Shenk and Lee V. Seibert. Beekey Education Building was dedicated on October 14th, 1972.

It currently houses the Elementary, Secondary and Special Education departments, the Office of Student Teaching, and the Office of the Dean of the College of Education in addition to classrooms.

Boehm Science Center

The Boehm Science Center hosts specific facilities for the Biological and Physical Science departments. Geology is on the first floor, Biology is on the second, Chemistry is on the third, and Physics takes up the fourth floor. Multiple displays are presented throughout the building, including a skeletal reproduction of a Cretaceous-era Elasmosaurus above the east entrance.

It was renovated by STV Inc. in the early 2000's and received a new 70,000 square foot addition.

deFrancesco Building

The deFrancesco World Cultures Center was built in dedication of Italo Luther deFrancesco, the president from 1959 to 1967. This building was meant to house the study of social sciences, foreign languages, history, and political sciences. The price for its construction was $1,000,000. The architect was Paul Koch Associates.

In 1993-1994, the deFrancesco Building was renovated and expanded by 17,000 square feet. This was done to eliminate overcrowding, add more classrooms and offices, plus allow the College of Business to be brought together into one building.